
Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.

Allows access to free Software

Its status as an open source operating system makes it possible to take advantage of permanent advances in software, with programs developed by computer scientists around the world constantly expanding their range of action.

It is focused on the use of networks

Oriented to networking, Linux is an immense alliance of users distributed throughout the planet , who provide improvements and solutions in an open way through the Internet . Thanks to this condition, Linux develops faster and more efficiently. In addition, the operating system has strong support for the communications and networking area.

It is the operating system preferred by computer scientists

The possibility of constant and free modifications and its great computing and processing power have transformed Linux into the operating system preferred by computer scientists and specialists.

Supports all types of hardware and can work on multiple platforms

The ductility of Linux in terms of its use on different kinds of platforms and devices, as well as its ability to facilitate the operation of all kinds of hardware are conditions that stand out especially in this operating system.

Features significant multitasking ability

This feature makes it possible for Linux to run multiple programs at the same time and with good performance without having to stop any of the applications . Logically, this multiplies the specific functional capacity.

Guarantees an advanced level of security

The use of the DES algorithm, with tests that verify its security, as well as the constant contribution of users in terms of advances and modifications have made Linux a leading operating system in terms of security. A clear example is that NASA has chosen it for the computer operation of many of its missions.

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