Hi my name is

Daniel Alejandro

Rangel Sanchez

I'm full Stack developer based in Venezuela

Digital Craftsman ( Developer / Student )

I'm a systems engineering major, based in Merida, VE, specializing in creating (and occasionally designing) exceptional websites, apps, and everything in between.

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About Me

Hello! My name is Daniel and I enjoy creating things that live on the Internet. My interest in web development began in 2020 when I decided to try to learn web development on my own, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, it turns out that I liked everything related to the subject, so I decided to take my first leap and learn about HTML and CSS!

I learned quickly, being able to develop projects, where I learned a lot about React, as well as backend technologies

Being a Systems Engineering student and in view of the fact that thanks to the pandemic, we are all at home, I decided to dive deeply into web development, since I had the basis, I knew how to program beforehand in languages like C, C ++, which I learned by The beginning of 2019 when I started my career at the university, thus knowing strong foundations in programming such as object-oriented (OPP).

Here are some technologies that I have been working with recently:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • Gatsby
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose.js


2000Born in Merida, Venezuela
2019started at the Universidad de los Andes (currently in progress), currently pursuing a degree in systems engineering.
2020 to 2021Working on my own projects and learning every day, being self-taught
2022(5/10) fifth semester of systems engineering approved


Daniel is a 5th semester student at the University of the Andes located in Merida, Venezuela. I work as a freelance, at the moment I like to create my own projects, in order to obtain more experience in the field, I have more than a year working with both React technologies on the client side, as well as with backend technologies such as nodejs, express .js and mongojs. In order to meet the needs of the full-stack market.


  • Back End Development and APIs

    Issued: Nov 2021 - No expiration date
    see credential
  • Front End Libraries

    Issued: Jul 2021 - No expiration date
    see credential
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

    Issued: Abr 2021 - No expiration date
    see credential
  • Responsive Web Design

    Issued: Ene 2021 - No expiration date
    see credential


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